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Each development within a BelRed land use district must comply with the provisions of the BelRed Subarea Design Guidelines contained in this section. The provisions of the Design Guidelines will be applied pursuant to the review requirements of LUC 20.25D.030.

A. Introduction. The BelRed Subarea Design Guidelines support and complement the community vision described in the BelRed Subarea Plan that is part of the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan. The Design Guidelines offer a flexible tool for quality and innovation. They do not prescribe specific design solutions or make rigid requirements. There are many ways to meet a particular guideline. The guidelines are a descriptive template for promoting and improving the urban character of the area without dictating or prescribing a specific style of theme.

Each individual guideline provides the following detail:

Intent: An initial concise statement of the objective of the guideline.

Guideline: Explanatory text describing the details of the guideline.

Recommended: Textual and photographic examples of recommended development consistent with the intent of the guideline.

Not Recommended: Textual and photographic examples of development that does not meet the intent of the guideline.

Visual examples are included as models for design and review purposes. They are intended to provide a means to effectively judge a building or project relative to the design criteria; they are not intended to be specific examples to be replicated.

B. Character and Site Guidelines. Purpose.

These guidelines address the qualities that make the BelRed subarea unique. They consider what makes an area a special, distinct “place,” not simply a group of individual buildings and streets.

1. Integrate the Natural Environment.

a. Intent. Reinforce linkages and orient buildings to the BelRed Subarea’s natural and landscaped features.

b. Guideline. Site and building design should capitalize on significant elements of the natural environment, Highland Community Park and planned park and open space, riparian corridors and wetlands. Designs should incorporate open space amenities for residents, employees and visitors. Depending on the location, this may be accomplished through integration of the natural environment with new development or providing a smooth transition between the natural and built environments.

c. Recommended.

i. Active and passive gathering places and walkways oriented toward parks and open, natural spaces.

ii. Clear and convenient public access to open space amenities.

iii. Elements that engage the natural environment where the sight, sound and feel of nature can be directly experienced.

iv. Buildings sited to take maximum advantage of adjacent public amenities.

v. Walkways and plazas paved with high-quality materials (such as brick or stone), and other architectural elements that use materials, colors and forms that are harmonious with the natural surroundings.

Open space amenity that allows for the public experience of natural elements.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Buildings that turn their back on open space amenities.

ii. Stands of “native” planting schemes within large, automobile-oriented parking lots.

Inaccessible islands of planting that do not connect well to the built environment or public amenities.

2. Promote Architectural Compatibility.

a. Intent. New buildings should contribute to the quality and character of their architectural context.

b. Guideline. Buildings should “fit” with their architectural surroundings – relating to nearby buildings rather than calling attention to themselves through design excesses or novel variations. Architectural elements should enhance, not detract from, the area’s overall character.

c. Recommended.

i. Architectural elements used at a scale and level of detailing proportionate to the size of the building.

ii. Forms, proportions, rhythms, materials, colors and architectural motifs that are suggested by and complement adjacent buildings.

Architectural elements fit into local context and overall character of the area.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Out-of-scale, over-simplified, cartoon-like or other architectural elements applied without regard to size or use of the element.

ii. Building elements that do not respect the scale, materials, proportions and heights of adjacent high-quality buildings.

Building on the right does not respect the scale, materials, proportions and character of adjacent area.

3. Establish and Strengthen Gateways.

a. Intent. Use architectural and landscape elements to mark transitions and entrances.

b. Guideline. Entrances into and within the BelRed Subarea should be celebrated at many levels. Pedestrians, cyclists, transit passengers, and motorists should experience a sense of “entering” or moving into the area as well as entry into unique districts or neighborhoods in the subarea.

c. Recommended.

i. New buildings designed to create gateways, using elements such as arches, arcades, pylons, columns, fountains and bridges.

ii. Signage, landscaping, lighting, or sculptural and artistic elements used to identify a gateway.

iii. Markers or inlaid art treatment in sidewalk paving to strengthen sense of entry into a particular district or neighborhood.

iv. Design elements that indicate a change or separation in transportation modes (i.e., from auto to pedestrian areas, or into transit stations).

Entrances to districts and among modes of transportation emphasized through design elements.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Gated, private compounds.

Detailing of private spaces in lieu of gateway treatment.

4. Protect and Enhance Surface Water Resources.

a. Intent. Conserve water quality, natural hydrology and habitat, and preserve biodiversity through protection of water bodies and wetlands.

b. Guideline. Natural water systems regulate water supply, provide biological habitat and may provide recreational opportunities. Undeveloped ecosystems absorb the precipitation and convey only a small portion of rainfall as surface runoff. New and infill development should minimize disturbances to the on-site, adjacent, and regional natural water systems. Use of natural drainage practices are required unless infeasible.

c. Recommended.

i. Grading and plan layout that captures and slows runoff.

ii. Pervious or semi-pervious surfaces that allow water to infiltrate soil.

iii. On-site landscape-based water treatment methods that treat rainwater runoff from all surfaces, including parking lots, roofs and sidewalks.

Aesthetically pleasing development that minimizes adverse impacts to water systems.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Buried, piped or culverted stream channels.

ii. Water quality enhancement projects that detract from the urban character of the area.

Aesthetically pleasing development that minimizes adverse impacts to water systems.

5. Integrate Art.

a. Intent. Art in the BelRed Subarea should complement the character of a site, building or district as a whole. Art should be integrated into the design of the building or outdoor space.

b. Guideline. Large scale art in both public and private applications should bring focus to an outdoor space while small scale pieces should bring detail to the pedestrian realm surrounding a building or site. At any scale, art should not overwhelm outdoor spaces or render buildings mere backdrops.

c. Recommended.

i. Artwork designed for and integrated into the building or site.

ii. Functional or interactive artwork.

iii. Durable materials that are vandal-resistant and designed to age well.

Public art that complements the built environment and reinforces or creates a distinctive image of a place.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Amateur art projects.

ii. Artwork used as advertising.

iii. Display conditions that detract from the artwork.

Advertising in lieu of public art or art of poor quality that detracts from the urban character of the area.

C. Pedestrian Emphasis Guidelines. Purpose.

The pedestrian emphasis guidelines promote an environment where pedestrians are a priority. The highest consideration should be given to the ease and comfort of pedestrian movement and gathering places.

1. Define the Pedestrian Environment.

a. Intent. A building should provide a continuous, visually rich pedestrian experience along its ground floor street front.

b. Guideline. The most important part of a building to a pedestrian is its ground floor – the lowest 15 feet of the facade, which a person experiences walking past or entering the building. This “pedestrian experience zone” should provide a sense of enclosure, and a continuous and comfortable street edge for the pedestrian. Ground floor building transparency should foster interaction between the public and private realms.

c. Recommended.

i. Windows that are transparent or have displays at the street level.

ii. Walls that create visual interest by using a variety of forms, colors and compatible cladding materials.

iii. Facades that provide a rhythm by using bays, columns, pilasters or other articulation at the street level.

iv. Signs and lighting at the ground level that complement the human scale.

Building edges that maintain strong visual and physical connections to the sidewalk.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Blank, flat, nondescript walls that are not articulated by any visual interest or detail at the street level.

ii. Uniform treatment of entire block face.

Long, blank facade unconnected visually or physically to the street and sidewalk.

2. Enhance the Pedestrian System.

a. Intent. Establish the pedestrian as the priority, eliminating pedestrian barriers and ensuring that walking routes are convenient, direct and pleasant.

b. Guideline. Pedestrian routes should be attractive, easy to use and encourage walking and activity. Sidewalks should be continuous, avoiding interruptions such as vehicle curbcuts or changes in direction or grade. The portion of the sidewalk dedicated to walking should be free of barriers such as utility poles, newspaper boxes, cafe tables and chairs, permanent planters, tree grates or other obstructions and clutter.

c. Recommended.

i. Direct pedestrian routes.

ii. Separate pedestrians from visual and other nuisances (e.g., trash dumpsters, loading docks, mechanical equipment, etc.)

iii. Pedestrian routes that are safely integrated with the street system.

iv. Maintain pedestrian access where rights-of-way have traditionally been located.

v. Parking lot walkways.

vi. Mid-block pedestrian connections.

Attractive, safe pedestrian routes that increase walkability and connectivity.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Circuitous pedestrian routes.

ii. Pedestrian-only streets: permanent or temporary pedestrian route obstructions.

iii. Interrupted or discontinuous pedestrian routes.

Unconnected, discontinuous, overly wide pedestrian-only walkways.

3. Protect Pedestrians from the Elements.

a. Intent. Provide pedestrians with protection from wind, sun, rain, sleet and snow.

b. Guideline. Awnings and canopies are encouraged along the ground floor of buildings to protect pedestrians from rain and snow and provide shade in summer.

The design of awnings and canopies should be an integral component of the building facade. Awnings should be in proportion to the building and sidewalk, and not so large as to impact street trees, light fixtures or other street furniture.

c. Recommended.

i. Fabric awnings.

ii. Horizontal metal canopies, especially if transom or clerestory windows are above storefront glazing.

iii. Glazed canopies.

iv. Weather protection follows pattern of storefronts.

Weather protection that is well integrated with the design of the building.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Backlit awnings.

ii. Oversized advertising or tenant signs on awnings.

Out-of-scale canopy made of poor quality materials that serves primarily as signage.

4. Create a Variety of Successful Outdoor Spaces.

a. Intent. Provide comfortable and inviting outdoor spaces for a variety of activities during all hours and seasons.

b. Guideline. Outdoor gathering spaces should be inviting and maximize opportunities for use. They should be spatially well-defined, inviting, secure, easy to maintain. They may be intimate and quiet or active and boisterous. All areas should work well for pedestrians and provide space for special events as well as passive activities.

c. Recommended.

i. Courtyards, squares and plazas with active adjacent ground floor uses.

ii. Buildings surrounding green spaces to give the space visual definition and vitality generated by active ground floor uses.

iii. Trees, shrubs and plants to help define walkways, create transitions from the park to the street and provide visual interest.

iv. Structures, pavilions and seating areas that are easily accessible and feel safe and secure during day and evening hours.

v. Greenways or pedestrian walkways and courtyards in residential or office development areas.

Well defined, comfortable and inviting outdoor spaces that offer varied opportunities for use.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Pocket parks, forecourts and plazas without active uses along retail streets.

ii. Outdoor spaces separated from the street by visual barriers or change in grade.

iii. “Leftover” green spaces.

iv. Sunken plazas disconnected from the edge of the street.

v. Courtyards, squares and plazas adjacent to parking lots and other inhospitable areas without appropriate landscaping.

Plaza space adjacent to parking lot and street without appropriate landscaping or buffering.

5. Provide Places for Stopping and Viewing.

a. Intent. Provide comfortable and inviting places where people can stop to sit, rest and visit.

b. Guideline. People-watching, socializing and eating are restful and pleasurable activities for the pedestrian; providing special places where they can do these activities increases the pedestrian’s sense of enjoyment.

Seating and resting places can add vitality to the urban environment. People will use available seating in open, well-designed areas, not in secluded or awkward spots.

c. Recommended.

i. Formal (benches) and informal (e.g., wide steps, edges of landscaped planters and low walls) seating areas.

ii. Higher degree of seating areas near active retail establishments (especially outside eating and drinking establishments and near food vendors).

iii. Seating adjacent to pedestrian walkways.

iv. Places for stopping and viewing adjacent to and within parks, squares, plazas, and courtyards.

v. Sense of separation from vehicular traffic.

Comfortable seating near active retail establishments, streets, and outdoor spaces.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Seating areas more than three feet above or below street grade.

ii. Seating areas adjacent to loading, service bays or storage areas.

iii. Seating areas that are hidden, secluded, dark or unsecured spaces behind or to the side of buildings.

iv. Seating areas along high vehicle traffic areas.

Isolated seating areas separated from the street through grade changes or otherwise.

D. Architectural Guidelines. Purpose.

The architecture guidelines promote high quality development while reinforcing the area’s sense of place and Northwest provenance by encouraging innovative design, construction techniques and materials that reflect the industrial roots of the area while emphasizing the emerging urban character of BelRed.

1. Encourage High Quality Materials.

a. Intent. Create a sense of permanence in the BelRed Subarea through the use of high quality building materials.

b. Guideline. Quality wall materials can provide a sense of permanence and bring life and warmth to a neighborhood. Wall and building materials must enhance the street environment while maintaining compatibility with adjacent buildings. Articulation of wall materials should be bold, with materials that show depth, quality and durability. It should be apparent that the materials have substance and mass, and are not artificial, thin “stage sets” applied only to the building’s surface.

c. Recommended.

i. Natural high quality materials such as brick, finished concrete, stone, terra cotta, cement stucco, and wood.

ii. Natural or subdued building colors and limited use of bright accent trims.

iii. Varied, yet compatible cladding materials.

iv. Boldly articulated window and storefront trim.

Durable natural materials of high quality that enhance the street environment and are compatible with local context.

d. Not Recommended. Building materials such as:

i. Simulated rock or brick.

ii. Faux finishes.

iii. Synthetic stucco (EIFS).

iv. Simulated wood siding, wood veneer, clapboard or other types of residential siding.

v. Aluminum, plastic or vinyl siding.

vi. Corrugated metal siding.

vii. Unfinished concrete or cinder block.

viii. Exposed concrete, metal or plastic.

Unarticulated surface treatment without depth, quality or detail.

2. Provide Interesting Building Massing.

a. Intent. Use scale-defining devices to break up the longitudinal dimensions of buildings, creating a comfortable sense of enclosure by establishing an uninterrupted street edge.

b. Guideline. The length and breadth of a building should be friendly in scale and inviting to the pedestrian. Portions of a large building mass should be broken into smaller, appropriately scaled modules, with changes in plane indicated by bold projections and indentations. This allows an overly large building to appear as smaller, side-by-side buildings. Vertical and horizontal elements should be used to create a human scale and form a coherent pattern providing visual interest to the pedestrian.

c. Recommended.

i. Break down long expanses of building frontage both horizontally and vertically.

ii. A vertically articulated tripartite facade division – base, middle and top for buildings over three stories.

iii. Upper floors set back.

iv. Vertical articulation of windows, columns and bays.

Well articulated buildings with a clearly defined base, middle and top.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Long, unbroken volume along street facade.

ii. Smooth, undifferentiated facade.

iii. Horizontal banding and emphasized horizontal orientation of building elements – walls, doors and windows.

Unbroken volume of building that does not enhance the street environment and lacks human scale.

3. Create Attractive Building Silhouettes and Rooflines.

a. Intent. Building rooflines should enliven the pedestrian experience and provide visual interest with details that create forms and shadows.

b. Guideline. A building’s silhouette should be compatible with the intended character of the area and enhance the streetscape. In some cases, it may be appropriate to mark an entryway with a distinct form, such as a tower, to emphasize the significance of the building entry. Roof massing should be simple yet detailed and articulated. For example, flat roofs may be appropriate if they have a cornice designed with depth and detail expressing the top of the building wall. Dormers set into sloped roofs may be appropriate. These forms provide visual interest and bring additional living space, light and ventilation to upper floor and attic spaces.

c. Recommended.

i. Dormer windows.

ii. Towers or similar vertical architectural expressions of important building functions such as entries.

iii. Varied roof line heights.

iv. Well-detailed cornices that have significant proportions (height and depth) and create visual interest and shadow lines.

Well detailed building silhouettes that create visual interest and enliven the pedestrian’s experience of the built environment.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Unarticulated rooflines.

ii. Roof forms lacking depth and detail.

Unarticulated roof lines.

4. Foster Attractive Rooftops.

a. Intent. Integrate rooftop elements into the building design.

b. Guideline. Roof shape, surface materials, colors, and penthouse functions should all be integrated into the overall building design. LUC 20.20.525 provides guidance for rooftop mechanical equipment.

c. Recommended.

i. Rooftop penthouse occupied by residential or office spaces.

ii. Rooftop terraces and gardens.

iii. Green roofs that reduce stormwater runoff.

iv. Consolidated and screened mechanical units.

Attractive rooftops well integrated into overall building design.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Exposed rooftop mechanical or electrical units visible from public spaces.

ii. Telecommunications equipment, including satellite dishes, cell-phone towers or antennas, visible from public spaces.

Rooftop telecommunications equipment visible from public spaces.

5. Promote Welcoming Residential Entries.

a. Intent. Residential entries should provide a graceful transition between the public and private realms.

b. Guideline. Residential entries should be substantial enough to suggest privacy yet welcoming to those who approach and enter. The overall character of the entry treatments will vary depending on street type. Entries on streets where sidewalk-oriented development is required will have a higher degree of transparency, orientation towards the street, and design detail than other portions of the subarea.

c. Recommended.

i. Multi-panel painted doors.

ii. Doors combined with transom windows or side lights.

iii. Durable, high-quality metal door hardware.

iv. Wood solid core doors.

v. Doors accessed from canopy-covered entries.

vi. Moderate change of grade from sidewalk level to entry; more for townhouse-style housing than residential lobbies.

vii. Lobby entries to multi-family buildings providing double or multiple doors.

Substantial entries with transparency and design details.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Doors raised more than three feet above sidewalk level for townhouse-style housing.

ii. Unarticulated, flush doors or sliding glass doors.

iii. Doors accessed directly from parking lots.

iv. Door glazing with simulated divided lights.

v. Doors glazed with reflective or tinted glazing.

Significant grade separation from the street and no transparency.

6. Promote Visually Interesting Upper Floor Residential Windows.

a. Intent. Upper floor residential windows should create an open and inviting atmosphere that adds visual interest and enhances the experience of the building both inside and out.

b. Guideline. The windows of a residential building should be pleasing and coherent. Their size and detailing should be of a human scale with regular spacing and a rhythm of similarly shaped windows.

c. Recommended.

i. Multiple lights or divisions.

ii. Operable windows.

iii. Trim around framed openings.

iv. Windows recessed from building facade, not flush.

Upper floor windows with a mixture of depth and articulation.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Strips of windows with more of a horizontal than vertical emphasis.

ii. All windows flush with building facade.

Simple entrance flush to facade without articulation.

7. Design Inviting Retail and Commercial Entries.

a. Intent. Design retail and commercial entries to create an open atmosphere that draws customers inside.

b. Guideline. Primary entries to retail and commercial establishments should be transparent, allowing passersby to see the activity within the building and bring life and vitality to the street. Architectural detail should be used to help emphasize the building entry.

c. Recommended.

i. Doors with a minimum of 50 percent window area.

ii. Building lighting that emphasizes entrances.

iii. Transom, side lights or other window combinations.

iv. Doors combined with special architectural detailing.

v. Double or multiple door entries.

vi. Well-detailed or ornate door hardware.

vii. Large cafe or restaurant doors that open the street to the interior by pivoting, sliding or rolling up overhead.

Entry is transparent, opens easily and connects the street to the interior.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Primary entry doors that are solid or windowless.

ii. Primary entry doors raised more than three feet above sidewalk level.

iii. Doors flush with the building facade without other articulation or canopy.

iv. Clear anodized aluminum frames.

v. Glazing with simulated divisions.

vi. Reflective, opaque or tinted glazing.

vii. Visual and physical obstructions near the entry.

Glazing with simulated divisions that does not connect the sidewalk or street to the interior.

8. Encourage Retail Corner Entries.

a. Intent. Use corner entries to reinforce intersections as important places for pedestrian interaction and activity.

b. Guideline. Locate entry doors on the corners of retail buildings wherever possible. Entries at 45-degree angles and free of visual obstructions are encouraged.

c. Recommended.

i. Primary building entrance located at corner.

ii. Weather protection, special paving, and building wall lighting, to emphasize corner entry.

iii. Architectural detailing with materials, colors, and finishes that emphasize the corner entry.

iv. Doors with large glass areas with adjacent windows.

Location of primary building entrance at corner and emphasized with details and architectural treatment.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Visual and physical obstructions, especially utilities and columns.

Visual and physical obstructions such as recessed entryway and grade separation.

9. Encourage Inviting Ground Floor Retail and Commercial Windows.

a. Intent. Use transparency to enhance visual interest and to draw people into retail and commercial uses.

b. Guideline. Retail and commercial uses should use unobstructed windows that add activity and variety at the street level, inviting pedestrians into retail and commercial uses and providing views both in and out.

c. Recommended.

i. Clear window glazing.

ii. Operable windows that open by pivoting, sliding or shuttering for restaurants and cafes.

iii. Painted wood, metal, and tile- or stone-clad panels below windows.

iv. Transom windows.

Transparent, visually interesting ground floor windows enhancing sidewalk activity.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Exposed or unfinished window frame materials.

ii. Residential-styled bays, multi-paned divided lights, half-round or other similar forms.

iii. Tinted or reflective glazing.

iv. More than eight feet between mullions.

v. Small scale windows.

Tinted or reflective glazing or with no visual or physical connection to the sidewalk.

10. Build Compatible Parking Structures.

a. Intent. Use design elements to enhance the compatibility of parking structures with the urban streetscape.

b. Guideline. Parking structures should be designed so that their streetscape interface has a consistent form, massing and use of materials with the vision for the area. Any sidewalk facing parking garage frontages should be designed to appear like any other occupied buildings in the area. The horizontal garage form can be broken down by adding more wall surface and usable retail space, while retaining adequate garage ventilation.

c. Recommended.

i. Ground floor retail or other active uses.

ii. Small openings that may be glazed to function as windows.

iii. Stairways, elevators and parking entries and exits that occur at mid-block.

iv. Single auto exit/entry control point to minimize number and width of driveway openings (entry and exit points may be separated).

v. Vertical expression of building structure.

vi. Cladding to disguise sloped floors from the outside view.

Parking garage design resembles mixed use development, limits driveway opening and integrates ground floor retail uses along sidewalk and at building corner.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Parked cars on the ground floor that are visible from adjacent sidewalks.

ii. Exposed sloped floors visible from the street.

iii. Stairways, elevators and parking entries and exits occurring at the building’s corners, where retail is a more appropriate use.

iv. Horizontal expression of building structure.

Clearly visible sloping floors, parked cars and structural expression of structure.

E. Lighting Guidelines. Purpose.

The lighting of buildings and open spaces should provide security, and also contribute to the character and overall sense of and vitality of the area.

1. Orient Lighting Toward Sidewalks and Public Spaces.

a. Intent. Pedestrian-scaled lighting should be used to highlight sidewalks, street trees and other features, and harmonize with other visual elements in the subarea.

b. Guideline. Pedestrian-scaled lighting should be provided along pedestrian walkways and public open spaces. A single fixture type should be used throughout an area with slight variations allowed to identify smaller districts. Fixtures should be visually quiet as to not overpower or dominate the streetscape.

Lighting may also be used to highlight trees and similar features within public and private plazas, courtyards, walkways and other similar outdoor areas to create an inviting and safe ambiance.

c. Recommended.

i. Lighting of district design.

ii. Pole standards black or dark green in color.

iii. Dual-purpose standards (that accommodate pedestrian and vehicular fixtures).

iv. Standards accommodating banners and hanging flower pots.

v. Lighting to highlight landscape areas.

vi. Fixtures concealed and integrated into the design of buildings or landscape walls and stairways.

vii. Footlighting that illuminates walkways and stairs.

viii. Energy-efficient lighting.

ix. Bollard lighting that is directed downward toward walking surfaces.

x. Festive lighting along signature streets on buildings and trees.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Flashing or colored lights.

ii. Exposed wires, outlets or other electrical devices that may provide safety hazards and are unsightly.

iii. Exposed light source (bulbs should not be visible).

iv. Low pressure sodium lamps.

Tall auto-oriented lighting fixture.

2. Integrate Building Lighting.

a. Intent. Architectural lighting that enhances and helps articulate building design, including illumination of cornices and entries, uplighting and other effects.

b. Guideline. Exterior lighting of buildings should be an integral component of the facade composition. Lighting should be used to create effects of shadow, relief and outline that add visual interest and highlight aspects of the building. Lighting should not cast glare into residential units or onto adjacent lots or streets in any way that decreases the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.

c. Recommended.

i. Wall-washing lighting fixtures.

ii. Decorative wall sconces and similar architectural lighting fixtures.

iii. Screened uplight fixtures on buildings or integrated with landscape.

iv. Lighting that provides natural color.

Screened uplight fixtures on buildings.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Flashing or colored lights.

ii. Exposed light source (bulbs should not be visible).

iii. Fluorescent tube lighting.

iv. Security spotlight.

v. Low pressure sodium lamps.

Exposed security spotlight.

F. Sign Guidelines. Purpose.

Signs may provide an address, identify a place of business, locate residential buildings or generally offer directions and information. Regardless of their function, signs should be architecturally compatible with and contribute to the character of the subarea. Signs should be good neighbors; they should not compete with each other or dominate the setting due to inconsistent height, size, shape, number, color, lighting or movement. Signs can contribute significantly to a positive retail and pedestrian environment, improve public safety perceptions and reinforce a sense of place.

1. Consider Size and Placement of Wall Signs.

a. Intent. Signs that are sized and placed so that they are compatible with a building’s architectural design and contribute to the character of the subarea.

b. Guideline. Signs should not overwhelm the building or its special architectural features. Signs should not render the building a mere backdrop for advertising or building identification. Signs should be good neighbors; they should not compete with each other or dominate the setting due to inconsistent height, size, shape, number, color, lighting or movement.

c. Recommended.

i. Signs incorporated into the building architecture as embossing, low relief casting or application to wall surfaces.

ii. Signs constructed of individual, three-dimensional letters, as opposed to one single box with cutout flat letters.

iii. Signs may be painted or made with applied metal lettering and graphics.

iv. Signs made of durable and long lasting materials.

v. Signs incorporating lighting as part of their design.

vi. Signs located above storefronts, on columns or on walls flanking doorways.

Sign incorporated into design of building facade.

d. Not Recommended.

i. The material, size and shape of signs overwhelm, contrast greatly with or adversely impact the architectural quality of the building.

ii. Rooftop signs.

iii. Cabinet or bow signs.

iv. Backlit signs.

v. Painted window signs.

Sign overwhelms the architectural quality of the building.

2. Orient Hanging Signs to Pedestrians.

a. Intent. Hanging signs that are oriented to the pedestrian and highly visible from the sidewalk. Hanging signs can contribute significantly to a positive retail and pedestrian environment and reinforce a sense of place.

b. Guideline. Signs should not overwhelm the streetscape. They should be compatible with and complement the building’s architecture, including its awnings, canopies, lighting and street furniture.

c. Recommended.

i. Sign lighting that is integrated into the facade of the building.

ii. Signs constructed of high-quality materials and finishes.

iii. Signs attached to the building in a durable fashion.

Hanging signs incorporated into the building facade that are oriented to the pedestrian and clearly visible from the sidewalk.

d. Not Recommended.

i. Signs interfering with sight lines, creating a safety hazard or obstructing views. (Ord. 6323, 11-21-16, § 12; Ord. 5874, 5-18-09, § 1)